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Consumer Alert

Getting the word out about FTC imposter scams

BCP Staff
Using old tactics and new twists, scammers are impersonating government agencies, including the FTC, to try to steal people’s personal information and money. The FTC is committed to combatting these
Consumer Alert

What are the signs of a scam?

BCP Staff
Though the details might change, scams usually have some things in common. And knowing what they are can help you recognize — and then avoid — scams that come your way.
Consumer Alert

Top scams of 2024

BCP Staff
Did you or someone you know report a scam to the FTC in 2024? Thank you! Those reports help the FTC bring enforcement cases and educate people about scams. Let’s jump into the top 2024 scams.
Consumer Alert

Welcome to NCPW 2025

BCP Staff
Today marks the start of National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW), a time of year when the FTC and its local, state, and federal partners focus on empowering consumers with free consumer protection
Consumer Alert

Fake check scam targets online car sellers

BCP Staff
Are you selling a car online? If so, know that scammers may target you. They’ll pretend to be a buyer and try to trick you into sending them money. Here’s how the scam works.
Consumer Alert

Sign over a portion of your VA benefits? Nope, that’s a scam

BCP Staff
Whether you served for four, ten, or twenty years, veterans pension and disability benefits might be an important — often essential — part of your life after the military. That’s why scammers call
Consumer Alert

Did someone use your SSN to file taxes? Here’s what to do

BCP Staff
If you’re filing your taxes online this year, watch for signs of tax identity theft, like someone using your Social Security number (SSN) to file and claim a tax refund. One way you’ll know is if the
Consumer Alert

Looking for love? Watch out for scammers

BCP Staff
Thinking of trying your luck with an online dating app, or getting to know someone you’ve met on social media? Before you do, make sure you know how to spot a romance scammer. Here’s a typical romance
Consumer Alert

Tax season 2025: where to find help

BCP Staff
Tax season is here and people have questions. Where to file? How to file? Can I file online? For free? For those answers, always start with the official IRS website at
Consumer Alert

Have a problem with something you bought?

BCP Staff
The holiday shopping season is over, but the issues you’re having with a product might not be. Here’s what to do about it. Disappointed by a product or service? It’s a good idea to go back to the
Consumer Alert

Four ways to avoid scams after a weather-related disaster

BCP Staff
Whenever severe weather strikes — blizzards, heavy winds, or the recent devastating fires in Los Angeles — you can bet scammers are following the news to target people affected. So, how do you protect
Consumer Alert

Freezing? Maybe freeze your credit, too

Kira Krown
New year, new chance to think about ways to protect yourself from identity theft. What’s one way? Freeze your credit.
Consumer Alert

Dealing with spam texts, emails, and junk mail

Andrew Rayo
If it’s not scammers spamming your phone with texts or filling up your inbox with emails, it’s your mailbox crammed with ads and other mail you didn’t ask for. The junk messages and mail might seem
Consumer Alert

Scam alert: QR code on an unexpected package

Alvaro Puig
An unexpected package from an unknown sender arrives in your name. You open it and find a note that says it’s a gift, but it doesn't say who sent it. The note also says to scan a QR code to find out